Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Long week end

Quick recap of our long week end:
- Beach in the morning until I found myself gasping for air when engulfed by the crowds. Beautiful day though and the kids had a great time.
- First movie in the theater with the family: Cars 2 was fun, MEC spent 25% of the movie in her seat, 50% in my lap playing with her air, talking fidgetting and 25% on her dad's lap. MAC loved the movie.
- Dinner was at Brockton Villa since our favorite sushi place was packed (lack of planning on our part :(). Dinner was OK, but service was slow which on a romantic dinner wouldn't matter much but with two kids melting away from hunger not so fun. Menu was ok nothing great. So Blah....
- Ice cream at Hagen Daz

- Finish up project as in shirts for the graduation of MEC from her preschool... I know I'm late.
- Made some bread with unbleached flour yuck!
- Went for 1h00 run at noon wasn't fast it was hot but i went
- Made some mint chocolate chip ice-cream a flavor I really don't like when store bought but of course loved when made with my little hands
- Flaked for our friends kid birthday celebration, but on a lazy sunday socializing with 40 people we didn't know was too much for the introverts we are....
- Impromptu mexican dinner at the neighbors with lots of wine and margaritas staggered home at 11pm

- National History museum
- Lazy afternoon doing things around the house
- Grocery shopping
- Baked Banana chocolate chip muffins
- Finished the tee-shirts yay I can go on finishing the rest of the stuff so I can start new stuff.
- Watched Dead-zone I wasn't into it at all but it was quite good.
- Folded laundry yay!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Challenge two weeks later

Well the challenge was up to a rough start and the first week nothing happened. I guess I needed to settle into the new family rhythm. B was sick as well which didn't help.
This week was much much better:
- Sunday was a mountain biking session with B and the neighbor. It was really funny to see the different approach to mountain biking between a woman and a man. Someone told me that woman are wired for self preservation. I was all about trying to keep control of my bike going down hill. Needless to say that I fell because going too slow makes things a bit more unstable.
However I made it to the bottom of the big hill with a huge adreanaline rush.
- Monday was off
- Tuesday was 35min slow run
- Wednesday was 32 min slow run
- Thursday was 1hoo Yoga
- Friday was 45min Master swimming. I never thought I was in any swimming shape. However 4 month without swimming and noodle arm today are telling me that I was indeed in an OK swimming shape.
This week end I'd like to try to go road biking, and running.... We will see where we are!
Next week more running, swimming and yogaing because this puts a smile in my heart!