Monday, January 3, 2011


So I've nurtured that scratchy throat since the beginning of my holiday and it was one of the reason I laid low on training. I didn't really want to be sick for our ski trip! B started like me but his scratchy throat quickly turned into drum roll please a sinus infection yikes! We need to get this under check! Me nothing just a little coughing at night and a bit scratchy in the morning.
Until I went running again! Ha as my dear dad would say too much exercise isn't good for you ;)
Anyways since not working out didn't really cure the scratchy throat I'm hoping that exercising will make it go somewhere right now it isn't heading to healthy but ah well.

Everyone has posted their new year resolutions and well I'm not super inspired. There is one thing though regarding training: I don't think I'm going to train for any races this year! I'm going to race to gauge my training. Maybe that will help me focus on what the coach tells me to do and do it rather than getting hung up on the slow ass pace that usually keep company to my 160 heart rate. BTW when I say slow I mean slow like 12:30 min/miles slow...

So today I printed my training and started with some strength, tomorrow is easy run and then we will see if I cough a lung or not. Now I'm gonna pop a cough drop and read a bit....

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