Saturday, May 8, 2010

Yum Yum

So when I run I usually crave juice cold fruits like Mango and greens especially when it is hot!
Today wasn't an exception. We had a really late lunch at CPK so of course we weren't hungry before like 9:30pm. Oh wait this is our usual dinner time ;)
Anyways I had to put together something quickly. The other requirement of that meal was healthy. I have been reading blogs after blogs of really good triathlete in great shape so I also want to shed a few pounds.
I bought a while back a pack of cooked lentils from Trader Joes. I didn't really know how it tasted so it can of stayed in the fridge for a while. Tonight I decided to take a shot at making a salad.

cherry tomatoes + mozarella balls + prosciutto + arugula + warmed olive oil with garlic + balsamic vinegar + lentils = The most delicious salad ever!

Great! We love lentils one of the 5 healthiest food great source of protein, iron and fiber...
But then we love steaks, wine, chocolate and ice cream!

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