Sunday, November 23, 2008

Blah day

We had a wonderful evening at Sushi Ota with Jessica and Ryan last night the food was awsome and we had a lot of fun.
Today after going to bed way to late and being woken up way too early I know only 7:30 but still, we went to swimming lesson. As usual Maia burst into tears as soon as we pulled into the parking lot. She has this miserable little face. She did stop crying and almost laughed. We are making progress. Miles of course had a blast!
After the pool we went back home, and I knew I had to blow off my run tonight arghhhh I feel crapy just enough to not be able to do anything athletic but not enough to just go to bed so instead I sent Bryan to do the grocery shopping, the kids to bed and I watched an episode of Bones while folding laundry.
Then the kids woke up and as Bryan got ready to go for his run they both wanted to go with him. So we bundled them up and they left with their dad. I think he wants to train for the 10K next week or to just show off. Anyways I cleaned up the kitchen watching yet another episode of Bones and baked an upside down pear cake to a) save my pears and b) bake something for the kids and Bryan to reward his effort.
This week has left me very frustrated on the running side. I was only able to log 5.5 miles!!! I know I know its like I totally got lazy I was a little sick I even had a temperature of 99.6 ahahah the good joke maybe I'll convince myself that I am not a lazy butt.
Anyways the cake smells delicious and is going to make the whole family happy.
On another front I started spending a lot of time of facebook where I reconnected with kids I went to school with, well they are not kids anymore we are all approaching 35 at an alarming rate. I wasn't sold on facebook at first but the opportunity I had to exchange news with people I haven't seen in 20 years is awsome! Thanks to all of you who sent me a little hello it means a lot to me.

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