Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday creative day...

I'm in serious need of inspiration when it comes to my blog title ahahaha. So today I had to leave work a little early since Maia had thrown up 4 times in less than 1 hour and I didn't want to leave Bryan alone with the 2 kids one sick. It's just plain no fun. On my way home I went to Von's to pick up all the things that I forgot to put on the list for Bryan's trip to Tradder joes. I stopped by the flower stand since the last items I have to do for the wedding flowers are the corsage and the bouttonieres. I don't know by which end to tackle that problem and since my ADD has a tendency to kick in in such situation I procrastinate.

Except that I don't have much time to procrastinate since the wedding is coming up fast! So here I am picking up white roses, curly willows love those thing and a bunch of greens. I decided to at least try a corsage and make my weekly bouquet.

So here is the result of 30 minutes of wrestling with flowers, green, curly willow, flower tape and wire.

Now I just have to figure out how is it going to pinned and if it is too heavy etc.... I also have to adapt this corsage into a wrist thingy. Also to match the wedding flower more closely I will add some of the hypecurium (I think) or coffee berry, and maybe replace the long leaf eucalyptus by some more round foliage.
Anyways I was pretty happy with my first try.
I also made a neat flower arrangement for my kitchen but didn't take a picture maybe tomorrow.
Sometimes I wonder if I should use this creative inclination of mine and make something more of it. Nah lets keep it as a hobby unfortunately I think I still need to use my brain or the little of it I have on a regular basis. So I will still be a Software Engineer / Geek for a little while longer.
I'm planning on having an intense running week to make up for my previous week and beat my 60.5 miles of last month. I would like to run 6 miles tomorrow, 6 miles on thursday and then maybe 8-10 miles on sunday!!!! Of course now that I put that down and published it to the world I'm gonna only be able to run 2 miles ;) Stay tune cuz right now I feel like running into my bed!

1 comment:

JV said...

That's gorgeous! Take it easy on yourself this week! 60.5 miles to beat is A LOT for a holiday week!