Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Dinner

So I could not take any pictures of our dinner since our camera didn't survive the pouring rain. I do hope it will dry up and be fine in a couple of days.
So I got all my recipes off the williams sonoma site and I of course adjusted them to the ingredient I have in my pantry cuz don't think that I made a list and gotten what I needed ;)

This is also my first turkey eventhough it was a baby one only 6.75lbs. I brined it for 24 hours in some brine mixt I bought at Williams sonoma and buttermilk. I did rinse it but I should have done a little more because the meat was still fairly salty.

With that I made what was supposed to be Apple-Shallot stuffing which turned out to be Apple bacon red onion stuffing. It was delicious.
Bryan made his famous mashed potato to which we added some cheddar cheese. I did make some real gravy.

Finally for dessert I made the chocolate fondant from the williams sonoma site. But since we are too stuffed we will be eating those in a little bit.
Of course as usual I started a little late since I was kicking back while the kids were sleeping. I actually watched 2 episodes of Bones... This isn't good I'm starting to watch TV during the day.

Oh gotta go major crisis, the kids are screaming, Bryan is playing piano. Sugar is kicking in.... and it is time for bed


JV said...

Sounds fantastic!!! Happy turkey day!

JV said...

Oh, and maybe if your camera still isn't working on Monday you can bring it in to work and put it in the Nitrogen dry box in the R&D lab for a couple hours ;)